20 thoughts on “Free Wallpapers

  1. I have had a great pleasure on browsing the available series of Hubble Wallpapers in my mobile handset.All of them look interestingly fantastic.But as all the wallpapers are in the desktop version,I haven’t been able to access my choice-downloads,just because my desktop has gone missing from my custody. I hope to have a go someday,sooner or later.

  2. Interesting demographic… As much as I like Hubble, sorting through thousands of images to find quality ones is time consuming and ultimately boring, so this kind of thing is quite useful. It would be nice if the path to higher resolution images was documented. For those who read this post, all one has to do is right-click on a particular image and open the link in a new tab or window, where you will find versions of your selected image in almost any resolution that you could desire for use as wallpaper or other similar use. Enjoy

  3. it’s good 4 children like me, I am just 14 years old and i know much…………..thank’s NASA

  4. Yeah, I appreciate the work of NASA. Its my prayer that they keep on keeping on. God be their guider and their source of wisdom.

  5. Nice and good learning subjects. Space changes, have an alert. Children are getting knowledge. WELL DONE NASA.

  6. Allah said in the holy quran ” owahual allah qullacyeen alim:”…it is means Allah is a gr8 scientist….so this picture we can understand that He given illustration by the space…..moyeen

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