SLS rocket will be the largest rocket since the Apollo Saturn V. NASA issued a report NASA’s Space Launch System…
Largest Iceberg ever recorded finally breaks up, Ross Iceshelf B-15
Ross Iceberg B15 ends 12 years after it broke off When Terra Earth Observation Satellite was launched by NASA in…
Second GRAIL Spacecraft Enters Lunar Orbit
NASA’S Twin GRAIL Spacecraft Reunite In Lunar Orbit PASADENA, Calif. — The second of NASA’s two Gravity Recovery And Interior…
Will NASA SLS Rocket survive when ARES did not?
SLS and former Constellation (Ares) programs are flawed in same fundamental way. NASA recently announced development of a new…
First Grail Spacecraft Enters Moon Orbit
First Of NASA’S Two Grail Spacecraft Enters Orbit Around Moon PASADENA, Calif. — The first of two NASA spacecraft to…
2012, End of the world or beginning of new era?
Will the world end in 2012 or will we learn we are not alone? With 2012 just a few days…
NASAs Kepler Finds First Earth Sized Planets
Kepler Finds First Earth-Size Planets Beyond Our Solar System Found MOFFET FIELD, Calif. — The Kepler mission discovered the first…
Russian Maridian satellite fails, rocket explodes
A Russian military launch of communications network Satellite failed On the heals of the loss of the Phobos Grunt mission…