The 2020’s first major meteor shower is the Quadrantid shower. The best time to watch is late night January 3…
Track UFOs/Aliens on MUFON
Here is a pretty cool thing. MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) has an interactive map that shows you all of…
Are Flat Earthers Just Stupid?? No.
There has been a recent increase in discussions on social media about the “fact” that the Earth is actually flat.…
Astronomers Find Possible Star Behind Supernova Explosion
(Source NASA) – Astronomers may have finally uncovered the long-sought progenitor to a specific type of exploding star by sifting…
Mars Lander Arrives Safely on Surface
(Source NASA) – Mars has just received its newest robotic resident. NASA’s Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat…
Tough Choice, Man to Mars or Robots to the Universe
This week NASA announced that there are two moons in our own solar system with liquid water oceans. These also contain…
Space travel visionaries solve Sailing to Nearest Star
Space travel visionaries solve the problem of interstellar slowdown at our stellar neighbor (Source PHL @ UPR Arecibo.) – In…
Most Planets are Colder than Thought
There Might be More Planets in the Habitable Zone (Source PHL @ UPR Arecibo) – A common assumption in the…