Suomi was launched in October 2011 and has also captured one of the most downloaded pictures ever taken by a…
Voyager 1 Probe Searching Deep Space Near Edge of Solar System.
KnowledgeOrb reported earlier this year that Voyager 1 was nearing exit of the solar systems helosphere, or the edge of…
Solar Back-sided Halo CME Nov 8-9 2012
The Sun erupted with several CMEs (coronal mass ejections) during a period just over a day (Nov. 8-9, 2012), the…
NASA Announces Mars MSL findings…Viking Lander history repeats itself.
History Repeats itself….sigh NASA held a news conference today to reveal what one of the program scientists said was an announcement “for…
NASA’s Big Mars Announcment Tomorrow 12/3/12-Worth the wait?
Exciting news or a Big Yawn? (Update 12/3/12 see announcement at this link.) Tomorrow NASA is going to make an…
Major Study Finds Ice Sheet Loss at Both Poles Increasing
(Source NASA) – An international team of experts supported by NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) has combined data…
Messenger Spacecraft finds water on planet Mecury
New information from MESSENGER spacecraft shows there is frozen water on Mecury. Its onboard instruments have been studying Mercury in…
Cassini Snaps Image of Hurricane like Storm on Saturn
Looking a lot like the recent Hurricane Sandy here on Earth, NASA’s Cassini spacecraft captured this image of a large…