Solar Corona

New Live Solar Corona Videos

We have added videos which showcase the suns corona. In real time you can see solar flares, CMEs, Solar Storms and the corona.

Solar Flares, Sunspots, CMEs and Activity January 2020

There have been some solar flares and other activity but this has been a pretty quiet month so far for the sun. On 1/19/20 at about 00:35z there was a…

UFO December 2019 from Minnesota

Explained – Navy says Top-Secret UFO files could gravely damage U.S. security

Do a quick Google search of “UFO gravely damage U.S. national security, Navy” and you will find pages of major news media web sites who have written articles about it…


Solar Flare, Solar Storm, Live solar videos pages updated

Solar Flares, Solar Storm, live stream solar videos and images

Solar eruption 1-9-2020

Large Active area on Sun

The upper east region of the sun is starting to show some significant activity.

lyrids meteors

Quadrantids Meteor Shower 2020

The 2020’s first major meteor shower is the Quadrantid shower. The best time to watch is late night January 3 until dawn January 4. Northerly latitudes are better. There will…

UFO December 2019 from Minnesota

Track UFOs/Aliens on MUFON

  Here is a pretty cool thing. MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) has an interactive map that shows you all of the UFO sightings and reports they have. If you zoom…

Youtube Orphan Red

Are Flat Earthers Just Stupid?? No.

There has been a recent increase in discussions on social media about the “fact” that the Earth is actually flat. There have been sports figures and celebrities who draw attention…