In an announcement on Friday at the Indian Science Congress (ISC) by J N Goswam. director of the Physical Research Laboratory in…
Solar Flare Ballet 12-31-12
A solar eruption gracefully rose up from the sun on December 31, 2012, twisting and turning. Magnetic forces drove the…
Quadrantids Meteor Shower This Week
Should be a good show but the brightness of the moon could hinder observations. The beginning of the 2013 shower…
Critical Gaps Looming in Important Earth Observation Data
GAO Predicts a gap in data of 17-53 months Above our heads in low Earth Polar Orbit a series of…
The Potentially Habitable Universe Around Us
More exoplanets than expected in the first year of the Habitable Exoplanets Catalog. The first confirmed extrasolar planets, or exoplanets,…
Solar Cycle 24 not following Sun Spot Activity Predictions
Every eleven years the sun experiences a peak of sun spot activity, we are nearing this peak period now but…
Two Nearby Habitable Candidate Worlds found at Tau Ceti
An international group of scientist led by Mikko Toumi, from the University of Hertfordshire, announced the potential discovery of five…
Beautiful Image Created by Giant Star Zeta Ophiuchi
Sweeping majestic clouds in space lit by surrounding stars are normally the creation of artists but this image is real. Looking like…