The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) will be taking a closer look at the Sun, the source of all Space Weather. Space Weather affects not only our lives here on Earth, but the Earth itself, and everything outside its atmosphere (astronauts and satellites out in space and even the other planets).
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Real time? I don't think so, can you at least put the last date since you are about 3 months behind "Real-Time"!
Yea I know my provider changed servers and broke it..I will get it fixed.
Why do you call this "real time", when it is not?
Because it is just about as close as you can get to real time for this kind of thing.
Looooookkkkkiiiiiinnnnnnngggggg gorgeous
wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwww wonderfull this image.i want to walking in sun....
it is so viewtiful
what time is this? need to know?
All of the images have a timestamp on them
awesome very impressive information salute to NASA team and related peoples
Really great