Free Space Weather Email Alerts

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    In general you will get an email once per day with general space weather conditions. In addition you will get emails when space weather Alerts or Warnings happen. These vary in frequency but average about two messages per week.

    When you subscribe you will get email messages for the following:

    Forecasts and Summaries

    The primary daily report. It provides a summary and analysis of solar and geomagnetic activity during the previous 24 hours, the most recent solar indices, and a forecast of activity and indices for the next 3 days.

    ALERT: Geomagnetic K-index of 7 (G3)

    Geomagnetic Storm Products

    Power system voltage effects, satellite surface charging, HF radio, mid-latitude aurora.

    WARNING: Geomagnetic K-index of 7 or greater (G3 or Greater)

    Geomagnetic Storm Products

    Power system voltage effects, satellite surface charging, HF radio, mid-latitude aurora.

    ALERT: Geomagnetic K-index of 8 (G4)

    Geomagnetic Storm Products

    Voltage problems, satellite surface charging, HF and low-frequency communication degraded, possible aurora near tropics.

    ALERT: Geomagnetic K-index of 9 (G5)

    Geomagnetic Storm Products

    Grid System can collapse, extensive satellite surface charging, extended degraded. HF communication and low-frequency navigation.

    ALERT: Proton Event 10 MeV Integral Flux exceeded 1,000 pfu (S3)

    Solar Radiation Storm Products

    Degraded HF at polar regions and navigation position errors, satellite effects on imaging systems and solar panel currents, significant radiation hazard to astronauts on EVA and high-latitude aircraft passengers.

    SUMMARY: Proton Event 10 MeV Integral Flux exceeded 1,000 pfu (S3)

    Solar Radiation Storm Products

    Degraded HF at polar regions and navigation position errors, satellite effects on imaging systems and solar panel currents, significant radiation hazard to astronauts on EVA and high-latitude aircraft passengers.

    ALERT: Proton Event 10 MeV Integral Flux exceeded 10,000 pfu (S4)

    Solar Radiation Storm Products

    Blackout of HF through the polar regions and navigation position errors over several days, satellite effects degraded imaging systems and memory device problems, high radiation risk to astronauts on EVA and high-latitude aircraft passengers.

    SUMMARY: Proton Event 10 MeV Integral Flux exceeded 10,000 pfu (S4)

    Solar Radiation Storm Products

    Blackout of HF through the polar regions and navigation position errors over several days, satellite effects degraded imaging systems and memory device problems, high radiation risk to astronauts on EVA and high-latitude aircraft passengers.

    ALERT: Proton Event 10 MeV Integral Flux exceeded 100,000 pfu (S5)

    Solar Radiation Storm Products

    No HF in the polar regions and position errors make navigation operations extremely difficult, loss of some satellites and memory impacts cause loss of control, unavoidable high radiation risk for astronauts on EVA and high-latitude aircraft passengers.

    SUMMARY: Proton Event 10 MeV Integral Flux exceeded 100,000 pfu (S5)

    Solar Radiation Storm Products

    No HF in the polar regions and position errors make navigation operations extremely difficult, loss of some satellites and memory impacts cause loss of control, unavoidable high radiation risk for astronauts on EVA and high-latitude aircraft passengers.

    SUMMARY: X-Ray Event exceeded M5 (R2)

    Radio Blackout Products

    Loss of HF and degradation of low frequency navigation signals for tens of minutes.

    SUMMARY: X-Ray Event exceeded X1 (R3)

    Radio Blackout Products

    Wide area loss of HF and low-frequency navigation signals for one hour.

    SUMMARY: X-Ray Event exceeded X10 (R4)

    Radio Blackout Products

    Lost HF and outages of low-frequency navigation signals for one to two hours.

    SUMMARY: X-Ray Event exceeded X20 (R5)

    Radio Blackout Products

    Complete HF blackouts and outages on low-frequency navigation signals for several hours.


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    22 thoughts on “Free Space Weather Email Alerts

    1. I appreciate the news and information on space, especially the sun. I am a mother of 2 and I like to make sure our little ones are safe, you and your website help very much for our little families safety and everyone else’s too, for this, we thank you so much to the moon and back! Xo Take care and be safe always,
      Warm regards
      Angela McGonigle and family 🙂

    2. Pingback: world weather
    3. This was very scary info, but I’ve always been fascinated with the outer atmosphere. Thank you for this.

    4. The rise and fall of temperature in a single day is 32 degree Celsius.That is 32 degrees at noon and o degrees at night,Even a refrigerator is not capable for handling such variations.So what is working on our planet for this change in temperature? The heat generated during the day should go somewhere to allow the cold to come in,O K the heat goes up to the clouds,but where is the cold hiding.
      I know this is a foolish question,but still can somebody answer me.

      1. The only foolish question is the one that is not asked. A few things first. 1) I will assume you 32 degree statement is true (not sure it is) 2) you have to understand that Cold is the ABSENCE of heat…Cold does not “come in”…heat escapes. The cold is not “hiding” it is in the space all around us. There is an instrument called CERES (Cloud and Earth Radiant Energy System) the measures the earth daily for radition of energy (heat). It is on the Terra, Aqua, and NPP satellites. *It was on TRMM but it broke. Also there was a satellite called ERBS Earth Radiation Budget Satellite that did the same thing. In any case as the sun heats the earth it also is cooled as the heat escapes when the planet rotates to the night side. If there are clouds they act as a kind of a blanket and the heat escapes slower. They is why cloud cover is so important. So you asked where is the cold hiding….it is not, the HEAT escapes into space and when it does the planet cools….hope that helps.

    5. I understand that NASA has published news that there would be three dark days. However, I am unable to find same anywhere. Could you please clarify.

      1. Your at the right place! Why don’t you subscribe to space weather email alerts here at KnowledgeOrb. You will get interesting emails about space weather every day and special emails any time the sun does something interesting that effects us here on Earth.

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