Daily Solar Picture Email Request

We will email you each day with a live high quality image of the sun…FREE….Just fill out the form below. All requests are checked by a human so allow 24-48 hours for activation. Once each day we will send you the latest real time image of our Sun. You can see what will be sent to you below.  Actual emailed image is a larger (1024×1024) and the jpg file is an attachment of about 90k.

Latest AIA 304


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    6 thoughts on “Daily Solar Picture Email Request

    1. I am elated that this site exists. I live in a condo community and have an almost 3 year old daughter which limits my sky view and ability to travel. My telescope set up us pretty shabby as well. I have lnog suspected that the sun had a bearing on earthquakes and have read several compelling articles about the subject resently as well. Keep up the great work and thanks for letting me tag along.

    2. Magnetic flux chaging on Sun inducesabrupt changes in the buoyancy of the rotating earth core and converting magnetic energy into kinetic jerks. If such jerks are focus on weak plate junctions then earthquakes are coming off and on. Thus to monitor solar changes is very important. I am keeping close watch on it for the last 50 years..Very soon I am in a position to tell you precisely at which place on the Earth Earthquake will be coming 3 days well in advance.

    3. Congratulations for your efforts to informing us concerning whats going on out of our world

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