Planet Hunter Kepler Starts Tests on Road to Recovery
The most prolific planet hunter in history recently suffered a serious blow when the second of four reaction wheels failed and it could no longer steer itself and take science…
The most prolific planet hunter in history recently suffered a serious blow when the second of four reaction wheels failed and it could no longer steer itself and take science…
Recently KnowledgeOrb reported that Gliese 667c was found to have three planets in the magical habitable zone. This means these planets are in an orbit which in theory cold support…
The star Gliese 667C is now the best candidate for harboring habitable worlds. (Source PHL @ UPR Arecibo) – Our Solar System has only one habitable planet, or maybe two if…
(Source NASA/JPL) – NASA’s Curiosity rover found evidence for an ancient, flowing stream on Mars at a few sites, including the rock outcrop pictured here, which the science team has…
The vaunted Kepler Spacecraft, responsible for the discovery of hundreds of exoplanets, has experienced the failure of it’s final reaction wheel. The spacecraft has four reaction wheels and needs at…
The University of Washington has announced the discovery of a new planet which could harbor life. Astronomers led by Sarah Ballard added this new planet named Kepler 61b. It is…
The Kepler Telescope has found three more Earth like planets in two solar systems. The new Kepler-62 system has five planets 62b-f. Kepler-69 system has two planets 69b and c….
A press conference was held today at which NASA reported the analysis results from the first rock drill sample. Analysis of the sample collected by NASA’s Curiosity rover shows ancient…