Category Archives: Rockets


NASA SLS Rocket design was done by politicians as much as engineers. There is an old saying at NASA, “Failure is not an option”. Unfortunately due to once again having…

Rocket Launch Long March-2D Yaogan 42-02

China launched Chinese military remote sensing satellite on a Long March 2D rocket from LC-3 Xichang Satellite Launch Center. The launch date was Saturday, April 20, 2024 at 11:45 PM (UTC)….

SpaceX Starships Deadly Design Flaw

While the SpaceX Starship is an engineering marvel, lessons from the past have been lost. A deadly design flaw has been built into the rocket which will inevitably cause the…

Falcon Heavy

SLS, Designed to fail, by Congress, not NASA.

There is an old saying at NASA, “Failure is not an option”. Unfortunately due to once again having congress design a rocket instead of the engineers at NASA “Failure is…

NASA SLS rocket

NASA SLS Launch Nears! But is it sustainable?

The upcoming launch of the new NASA Moon rocket, the SLS, is the culmination of decades of work and effort. The Saturn 5 replacement is an awesome achievement, but at…

GoPro external view of rocket that took it into space.

VERY cool GoPro Rocket Launch Video

This is probably the best on board small rocket video I have ever seen. We have probably all seen the videos of small sounding type rockets with a GoPro strapped on to…

Falcon 8 Rocket explosion July 28, 2015

Spectacular SpaceX Falcon Rocket Failure

This failure was unusual in a few ways I will go into that in a bit but I want to be clear that failure of rockets is just part of the…