Earth Observation

Video of Hurricane Odile Making Landfall from GOES Satellite

This movie was made by the GOES West Satellite. It shows Hurricane Odile Make Landfall in Baja California Video was…

10 years ago

Satellite Video of Hurricane Iselle and Julio Moving Toward Hawaii

This Video shows the Hurricanes Iselle and Julio as they gain strength and bear down on on Hawaii. These were…

11 years ago

NOAA Report, Climate data from air, land, sea and ice in 2013 reflect trends of a warming planet

Increases in temperature, sea level and CO2 observed; Southern Hemisphere warmth and Super Typhoon Haiyan among year’s most notable events (NOAA)…

11 years ago

Good News, Satellites Show U.S. Pollution is Decreasing

The satellites that monitor the status and health of planet Earth seemed to send down a continual stream of bad…

11 years ago

OCO-2 launches-Carbon Sensing Mission to Monitor Earth’s Breathing

(NASA) - The Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) raced skyward from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, on a United Launch Alliance…

11 years ago

Orbiting Carbon Observatory Delayed, Launch July 2, 2014

Update July 1, The launch was delayed 24 hours due to an issue with the rocket. A 24 hour recycle…

11 years ago

Tropical cyclone ‘maximum intensity’ is shifting toward poles

(NOAA) - Over the past 30 years, the location where tropical cyclones reach maximum intensity has been shifting toward the…

11 years ago

More rapid, four foot sea level rise could be unstoppable due to Antarctica Glacier Melt

In some rather disturbing news a new study by researchers at NASA and the University of California, Irvine, finds a…

11 years ago

New – See Live Streaming Video of Earth from HD IIS Cameras

The High Definition Earth Viewing (HDEV) experiment places four commercially available HD cameras on the exterior of the space station…

11 years ago

Report confirms that climate change is affecting every region of the United States

The National Climate Assessment provides information about climate change impacts on all major regions of the United States and critical sectors of…

11 years ago