NPP First Light Image

13 years ago

On October 28th NASA launched the NPP mission. This is the newest satellite in it’s fleet of Earth Observation Satellites.…

Greenhouse gas index continues climbing

13 years ago

(SOURCE NOAA ) NOAA's Patricia Lang prepares to measure greenhouse gas levels inside a flask that is part of NOAA's…

Fermi Finds Youngest Millisecond Pulsar, 100 Pulsars To-Date

13 years ago

WASHINGTON -- An international team of scientists using NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has discovered a surprisingly powerful millisecond pulsar…

NASA Transfers Endeavour Title To California Science Center

13 years ago

WASHINGTON -- NASA transferred title and ownership of space shuttle Endeavour to the California Science Center (CSC) during a ceremony…

LRO Spacecraft Gets Its First Look at Apollo Landing Sites

14 years ago

    WASHINGTON -- NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, or LRO, has returned its first imagery of the Apollo moon landing…

MESSENGER Spacecraft Begins Historic Orbit Around Mercury

14 years ago

WASHINGTON -- NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft successfully achieved orbit around Mercury at approximately 9 p.m. EDT Thursday. This marks the first…