Source (JAXA) - HAYABUSA is a space science mission launched in 2003 by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency JAXA. The challenge…
NASA's Kepler mission has discovered 11 new planetary systems hosting 26 confirmed planets MOFFET FIELD, Calif. (NASA)-- These discoveries nearly…
Incredible pictures of Earth from new satellite The newest Earth Observation Satellite, NASA's Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (Suomi NPP) mission…
Recent headlines were filled with a plethora of information about the reentry of the doomed Russian Spacecraft Phobos Grunt. There…
Global Warming is taking place, data undeniable (Source NASA) - The global average surface temperature in 2011 was the ninth…
Latest status for Phobos-Grunt Re-entry 1/16/11 - Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, leader of defense and industrial sector, put…
SLS rocket will be the largest rocket since the Apollo Saturn V. NASA issued a report NASA’s Space Launch System…
Ross Iceberg B15 ends 12 years after it broke off When Terra Earth Observation Satellite was launched by NASA in…
NASA'S Twin GRAIL Spacecraft Reunite In Lunar Orbit PASADENA, Calif. -- The second of NASA's two Gravity Recovery And Interior…
SLS and former Constellation (Ares) programs are flawed in same fundamental way. NASA recently announced development of a new…