Space Pioneers Series – Robert Goddard

12 years ago

They are the dreamers, the deep-thinkers, the “what if-ers”, the folks who have peppered our history with those tiny nuggets…

Message from God on Mars?

12 years ago

There is a myth going viral on the internet about a message from God NASA found in a cave on…

Free Blue Planet HD 189733b Wallpaper – Celebrate Discovery.

12 years ago

To honor the first ever detection of color in a planet outside our solar system we made desktop background wallpaper…

Hubble Finds Blue Planet 63 Light Years Away

12 years ago

(Source NASA) -  Astronomers making visible-light observations with NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have deduced the actual color of a planet…

Why is Gliese 667c so exciting? Life thats why

12 years ago

Recently KnowledgeOrb reported that Gliese 667c was found to have three planets in the magical habitable zone. This means these…

Jason-1 Satellite lost after Transmitter Failure

12 years ago

Long-Running NASA/CNES Ocean Satellite Takes Final Bow (Source NASA) - Were facing a critical time in our ability to monitor…

Comet ISON getting closer, putting on 4th of July show

12 years ago

Comet ISON is approaching the sun at 48,000 miles per hour. As it does the tail grows longer and brighter.…

Spectacular Launch Failure, Explosion of Proton M Rocket

12 years ago

Today a Russian Proton M Rocket exploded less than a minute after launch in a spectacular fireball. On board were…

Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) Launch is Successful

12 years ago

NASA's Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) solar observatory separated from its Pegasus rocket and is in the proper orbit. This…

New Indications Voyager 1 is about to Exit Solar System

12 years ago

When Voyager 1 and it's twin were launched in 1977 no one really expected the Voyager spacecraft would last for over 30…