Spectacular CME with Earth Directed Impact

11 years ago

Update 10/2/13 - Effects from CME felt on Earth. Read about the Geomagnetic Storm. Original Post below: A spectacular CME…

Chandra finds densest galaxy 54 million light years away.

11 years ago

(NASA) - Astronomers may have found the densest galaxy in the nearby universe. The galaxy, known as M60-UCD1, is located…

Bad News, No Methane on Mars-Therefore No Life on Mars?

11 years ago

(Source NASA) - Data from NASA's Curiosity rover has revealed the Martian environment lacks methane. This is a surprise to…

Private Manned Mars Missions by 2023 Realistic?

11 years ago

There have been some recent movement in the private sector involving manned missions to Mars. One called Inspiration Mars plans…

Very Cool Picture of Northern Lights from ISS

11 years ago

(NASA) This striking aurora image was taken during a geomagnetic storm that was most likely caused by a coronal mass…

Communications lost, NASA Deep Impact Mission ended

11 years ago

Last month controllers lost contact with NASA's Deep Impact mission, several weeks were spent trying to uplink commands to reactivate…

Hubble Finds Largest Group of Star Clusters, Clues to Dark Matter

11 years ago

(NASA) - The Hubble Space Telescope has uncovered the largest known population of globular star clusters, an estimated 160,000, swarming like bees…

JAXA Launches New Rocket Epsilon-1

11 years ago

JAXA launched a new rocket called the Epsilon Launch Vehicle (Epsilon-1) on September 14th 2014 at 14:00jst. This was the…

Al Gore’s Pet Satellite Lives Again in DSCOVR

11 years ago

Sometimes you just have to laugh at things our government does. I remember hearing about what was jokingly called "GoreSat"…

Voyager 1 enters interstellar space, what does it mean to us?

11 years ago

It is official, NASA has announced that the Voyager 1 spacecraft, launched 36 years ago, has exited our solar system…