There is a Geomagnetic event in progress and it may allow viewing of Auroras as low as New York to Wisconsin and Washington state. If the skys are clear you should go out and take a look at this rare event. Real time viewing of current Aurora activity can be see on the link below.
Aurora Viewing real time forecast site.
Space weather alert for the event is listed below:
Issue Time: 2015 Aug 23 0800 UTC
WARNING: Geomagnetic K-Index of 6 expected
Valid From: 2015 Aug 23 0800 UTC
Valid To: 2015 Aug 23 1300 UTC
Warning Condition: Onset
NOAA Scale: G2 – Moderate
Potential Impacts: Area of impact primarily poleward of 55 degrees Geomagnetic Latitude.
Induced Currents – Power grid fluctuations can occur. High-latitude power systems may experience voltage alarms.
Spacecraft – Satellite orientation irregularities may occur; increased drag on low Earth-orbit satellites is possible.
Radio – HF (high frequency) radio propagation can fade at higher latitudes.
This post compiled using data gathered from NOAA and NASA.