Personally I know people who worked on the project. I also have seen the images from Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter that…
Month: December 2013
Scientists puzzled by most distant gravitational lens
(NASA) -This Hubble Space Telescope photo shows the most distant gravitational lens yet discovered. The glow at the center of…
Great Video of Possible Meteor over Iowa 12/27/13
Last night security cameras caught a very long duration video of what looks like a Meteor burning up. The fireball,…
China’s Yutu Moon Rover Sleeps Until January.
The Jade Rabbit rover is now taking a nap and trying to stay warm during the two week lunar night.…
Merry Christmas From the Moon – Earthrise 1968
Forty-five years ago, in December of 1968, the Apollo 8 crew flew from the Earth to the Moon and back…
Testimony Of Dying CIA Official in 2013, about UFO’s Extraterrestrial reality
Well, try to keep an open mind…is it real…you be the judge.. Video testimony by an anonymous alleged former CIA…
Dark Plasma Burst From Sun – Video
A dark clump of plasma rose up above the Sun, then twisted and spun about before it broke away…
Curiosity Mars Rover Wheels Wearing Faster Than Anticipated
Curiosity Mars Rover has traveled about three miles so far. Just like any car on Earth you expect some wear…