JAXA launched a new rocket called the Epsilon Launch Vehicle (Epsilon-1) on September 14th 2014 at 14:00jst. This was the…
Month: September 2013
Al Gore’s Pet Satellite Lives Again in DSCOVR
Sometimes you just have to laugh at things our government does. I remember hearing about what was jokingly called “GoreSat”…
Voyager 1 enters interstellar space, what does it mean to us?
It is official, NASA has announced that the Voyager 1 spacecraft, launched 36 years ago, has exited our solar system…
Japan JAXA set to launch new rocket September 14
After an automatic abort on the first launch attempt of Japans new Epsilon-1 rocket from the Uchinoura Space Center a…
Photo of Lunar Eclipse…on MARS!
MSL Curiosity Rover takes clearest images ever of Eclipse on Mars. Photos of the Moon passing in front of the…
Odd Alignment, Butterfly Nebulae rotate perpendicular to galaxy.
An interesting phenomena has been reported in a called “Alignment of the Angular Momentum Vectors of Planetary Nebulae in the Galactic…
The LADEE Mission to the Moon launched right on time at 11:27 p.m. EDT on Sept. 6 from Pad 0B at…
Thank You for High KnowledgeOrb Web Ranking!
This posting is a thank you to all those that use this site! There are about 246 million web sites in…