Shuttle 747 transport leaves Dryden for final time

Space Shuttle Enterprise-Testa










The iconic image original glide test of  Shuttle Enterprise as it floated away from the 747 almost forty years ago featured this specially equipped 747 transport.

From the beginning of the shuttle program to what is now the end of an era this plane served the program well. NASA’s Space Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA) No. 905, departed NASA’s Dryden Flight Research Center on Oct. 24, 2012 for the final time, ending a 38-year association with the NASA field center at Edwards. The modified Boeing 747 jetliner flew from Dryden to Ellington Airport in southeast Houston, where the big Boeing jet will be retired and eventually placed on public display.

C. Pike - KnowledgeOrb Contributor

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One thought on “Shuttle 747 transport leaves Dryden for final time

  1. Welch ein Schmach ffcr die USA. Die Geldnot diktiert jetzt auch in der Raumfahrt eine Abhe4ngigkeit von den Russen, an die man frfcher nie geachdt he4tte. Nach der Atlantis -Rfcckkehr, die ffcr den 20. Juli vorgesehen ist, verffcgen die USA auf Jahre hinaus fcber keine Weltraumvehikel mehr, die Astronauten ins All beff6rdern kf6nnen. Die Nasa ist dann ffcr ihre Astronauten auf Mitfluggelegenheiten in den russischen Sojus -Kapseln angewiesen. Grodfe Fracht aus dem All kann kfcnftig fcberhaupt nicht mehr zur Erde zurfcckgebracht werden. Amerika ist auf dem Boden der Tatsachen angekommen.

    Translated (as best I could)
    What a shame for the United States. The financial difficulties dictated an assistance by the Russians, to whom it frfcher never geachdt he4tte now also in the space. After the Atlantis – Retired on July 20, the United States for years, has no more space vehicle, the astronaut in the all beff6rdern kf6nnen. NASA is dependent on the Russian Soyuz capsules then for their astronauts with flight opportunities. sending cargo from space to Earth cannot be more disappointing. America has arrived on the bottom of it’s progress.

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